To prevent a buildup of dust & dirt and to prolong the life your product, regular cleaning is recommended. Please take care and make sure the product has been installed correctly before attempting any maintenance.

We recommend regular dusting to remove surface dust; ideally once a week, with a soft cloth or gentle vacuuming using a soft bristle attachment to avoid damaging materials.

For a more thorough clean, dampen a cloth with lukewarm water and gently wipe the surface making sure to wipe away any excess with a soft, absorbent or microfibre cloth.

Avoid direct sunlight where possible to help prevent accelerated fading and degrading of the faux leather.

Always check product upon arrival, Altfield cannot be held liable for any damage incurred during transport or storage prior to installation. For more details, please refer to our Terms & Conditions.


See website for individual cleaning codes.
W: clean using a water-based solution only (such as mild soap, washing-up liquid, carpet cleaner or specialist upholstery shampoo).
S: clean using only water-free solvents (for instance, rubbing alcohol, clear alcohols, and dry-cleaning solvents).
P: can be dry cleaned.
S-W: this means you can use both dry solvents and wet cleaning products (such as upholstery shampoo, gentle detergents, or mild dry-cleaning solvents).
X: DO NOT clean with water or solvent based solutions. Vacuuming or light brushing only.
B: can be cleaned with bleach; 10:1 bleach dilution of water/bleach.


For spills, immediately blot with a dry cloth to prevent staining.  Do not rub as this can push the stain further into the product.

When cleaning marks and stains, first clean a sample or inconspicuous piece of material to ensure no adverse effects occur to the colouration or finish of your product. As these products have a surface barrier for protection, this blocks moisture, most water-based or mild stains can be eliminated using mild soap, water, and a soft, absorbent or microfibre cloth.

We recommend you follow the bullet points listed below for removal of marks and stains:

- Use a mild soap with warm water as your cleaning solution to remove tougher stains.
- Use an uncoloured soft non-abrasive cloth to prevent leaving marks.
- Avoid all solvent/alcohol based cleaners.
- Wipe material with clean water after cleaning.
- Do not saturate the fabric with liquid during cleaning, as this will cause permanent damage.
- Wipe away excess water with a soft absorbent or microfibre cloth.


Do not use Bleach unless specified as this can damage and degrade the faux leather and potentially affect the structure of the product.

Selected products can be disinfected; always check the cleaning code before using bleach, not all faux leathers are suitable.

If deciding to use bleach use a solution of 10:1 bleach dilution of water/bleach.

Remove all cleaning agents thoroughly with a soft cloth and clean water. Residue left by cleaning agents will degrade and shorten the lifespan and/or affect the product's appearance if not removed.

These notes are for guidance only, Altfield can not be held responsible for any damage caused to the product during the cleaning process.

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